Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder Hershey: Unveiling the Benefits in 2023

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Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder Hershey: Unveiling the Benefits

dutch processed cocoa powder hershey

Are you a chocolate lover looking for the perfect ingredient to enhance your baking recipes? Look no further than Dutch-processed cocoa powder! Also known as alkalized cocoa powder, this type of cocoa powder has been treated with an alkaline solution in a process called “dutching”. The result is a darker color and milder flavor compared to natural cocoa powder. It’s an ideal ingredient for making truffles and gluten-free waffles. Don’t forget to check the product number for authenticity!

Dutch-processed cocoa powder is often used in baking recipes that require a more mild chocolate flavor, such as gluten-free waffles and truffles. Its unique properties make it an essential ingredient in many beloved desserts such as brownies, cakes, and hot chocolate, serving up a rich and decadent taste. But what exactly is dutch-processed cocoa powder and how is it different from other types of cocoa powders?

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of dutch-processed cocoa powder and explore its origins, production process, uses in baking, and where to find it. We’ll also discuss the differences between dutch-processed cocoa powder and other types of cocoa powders on the market. Additionally, we’ll share some gluten-free recipes for waffles and truffles that use dutch-processed cocoa powder and provide reviews of popular brands.

So grab your apron and let’s get started on our journey to discover everything there is to know about dutch-processed cocoa powder, including its product number and reviews. Whether you’re making truffles or waffles, this ingredient is a must-have in your pantry.

Differences Between Natural Cocoa and Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder

If you’re a baking enthusiast, you’ve probably come across recipes that call for natural cocoa powder or Dutch-processed cocoa powder. While both types of cocoa powder come from the same source – the cacao bean – they differ in how they are processed. Here’s what you need to know about the differences between natural cocoa and Dutch-processed cocoa powder according to reviews.

Natural Cocoa Powder

Natural cocoa powder is made by grinding roasted cacao beans into a fine powder and removing most of the fat or cocoa butter. Reviews have shown that the resulting product has a slightly acidic taste due to its high acidity level, which can range from 5 to 8 on the pH scale. The acidity comes from organic acids found naturally in cacao beans, such as tartaric acid.

When used in baking, natural cocoa powder reacts with baking soda (an alkaline) to create carbon dioxide gas, which helps baked goods rise. This reaction is known as “alkaline leavening.” Because of its acidity level, natural cocoa powder also adds a tangy flavor to baked goods like chocolate cakes, brownies, and cookies.

Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder Hershey

Dutch-processed cocoa powder is also made from roasted cacao beans but undergoes an additional step called “Dutching” or “alkalization.” During this process, the cocoa powder is treated with an alkalizing agent (usually potassium carbonate) that neutralizes its acidity level. As a result, Dutch-processed cocoa has a pH level closer to 7 and a milder flavor than natural cocoa.

The Dutching process also gives the cocoa powder a darker color and smoother texture compared to natural cocoa. Because it’s less acidic than natural cocoa, it doesn’t react with baking soda for leavening purposes. Instead, recipes that call for Dutch-processed cocoa often use baking powder (which contains both an acid and a base) or another leavening agent like whipped egg whites.

Differences in Baking

The differences between natural cocoa and Dutch-processed cocoa powder can affect the texture, taste, and appearance of baked goods. In recipes that call for baking soda as the primary leavening agent, using Dutch-processed cocoa instead of natural cocoa can result in a flatter cake or cookie because there’s not enough acid to create carbon dioxide gas. Similarly, substituting natural cocoa for Dutch-processed cocoa in recipes that call for baking powder may result in a tangier flavor than intended.

Dutch-processed cocoa tends to produce darker-colored baked goods than natural cocoa. This is because the alkalizing process breaks down some of the pigments naturally found in cacao beans that give chocolate its reddish-brown color. However, this doesn’t mean that natural cocoa always produces lighter-colored baked goods – it depends on the recipe and other ingredients used.

Benefits of Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder in Baking and Cooking

Enhances the Flavor and Color of Baked Goods

Dutch-processed cocoa powder is a popular ingredient used in baking to enhance the flavor and color of baked goods. Unlike natural cocoa powder, which has a bitter taste, Dutch-processed cocoa powder has been treated with an alkalizing agent to neutralize its acidity level. This process results in a milder, smoother flavor that complements other ingredients in baked goods.

When added to recipes such as brownies, cakes, or cookies, Dutch-processed cocoa powder gives them a rich chocolatey taste and deep dark color that is hard to resist. It also adds a velvety texture that makes desserts feel more luxurious. The next time you bake your favorite chocolate cake recipe, try using Dutch-processed cocoa powder instead of natural cocoa powder for an elevated taste experience.

Ideal for Recipes That Require Baking Soda as a Leavening Agent

Baking soda is a leavening agent commonly used in baking recipes to help the dough or batter rise. However, it requires an acidic ingredient to activate it properly. Natural cocoa powder contains enough acidity to activate baking soda when combined in recipes. On the other hand, Dutch-processed cocoa powder has low acidity levels due to the alkalization process.

This makes it ideal for recipes that require baking soda as a leavening agent since it won’t react too much with the baking soda and cause over-rising or collapse of baked goods. Using Dutch-processed cocoa powder can give you consistent results every time you bake your favorite chocolate cake recipe or make homemade brownies.

Perfect for Creating Rich and Creamy Desserts

The smooth texture of Dutch-processed cocoa powder makes it perfect for creating rich and creamy desserts such as chocolate mousse or pudding. When mixed with milk or cream, this type of cocoa powder dissolves easily without leaving lumps or gritty texture. The result is a velvety smooth dessert that melts in your mouth.

Dutch-processed cocoa powder can also be used to make hot chocolate or chocolate milk. It dissolves easily in hot milk and creates a smooth, creamy beverage that is perfect for cold winter nights. You can also use it to make homemade chocolate ice cream for a decadent treat.

Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder: Ingredients and Gluten-Free Status

If you are looking for a cocoa powder that is gluten-free, then Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder might be the perfect choice for you. This versatile ingredient is made with alkalized cocoa, which removes the bitterness and acidity of cocoa. In this section, we will discuss in detail about the gluten-free status of Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder and its ingredients.

Gluten-Free Status

Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is a gluten-free product. It means that it does not contain any gluten or wheat-based ingredients. The company has also confirmed that they do not process any products containing wheat or gluten in their facilities where they manufacture this cocoa powder.

The term “gluten-free” refers to foods that do not contain gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and other grains. People with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity have to avoid eating foods containing gluten as it can cause severe health problems like digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, and autoimmune disorders. If you love chocolate, you’ll be happy to know that there are gluten-free options available such as special dark chocolate cocoa.


The ingredients of Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder include cocoa processed with alkali (also known as Dutch processed cocoa), sugar, salt, and natural flavoring. None of these ingredients contains any form of wheat or gluten.

Dutch processing is a method used to treat cocoa beans by washing them in an alkaline solution before roasting them. This process reduces the acidity level in the beans resulting in a milder flavor profile than regular unsweetened cocoa powder.

It is important to note that while Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder does not contain any wheat or gluten-based ingredients; it may come into contact with them during production processes. Therefore if you have severe allergies or sensitivities to these substances, it would be best to avoid using this product altogether.


Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of recipes. It is perfect for baking cakes, brownies, cookies, and other desserts. You can also use it to make hot chocolate or add it to your coffee for a mocha flavor.

This cocoa powder has a rich and robust flavor that will enhance the taste of any recipe you use it in. Its alkalized nature makes it less bitter than regular unsweetened cocoa powder, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer milder flavors.

Uses of Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder in Baking and Cooking

Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various ways, making it a must-have item in your pantry. Whether you are an experienced baker or just starting out, this cocoa powder can add a rich chocolate flavor to your baked goods and recipes. Here are some of the best uses of Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder in baking and cooking.

Adds Rich Chocolate Flavor to Baked Goods

One of the most significant benefits of using Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is its ability to add a deep chocolate flavor to baked goods. Unlike regular cocoa powder, dutch-processed cocoa powder has been treated with an alkalizing agent to neutralize its natural acidity. This process gives it a smoother flavor profile, which complements the richness of chocolate desserts such as cakes, brownies, cookies, and more.

When using Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder in your baking recipes, you will notice that it produces darker colored baked goods than regular cocoa powder. The color difference is due to the higher percentage of cocoa solids present in dutch-processed cocoa powder.

Great for Making Hot Chocolate

Another excellent use for Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is making hot chocolate. The rich dark color and smooth texture make it perfect for creating a thick and creamy hot chocolate beverage that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth cravings.

To make hot chocolate with Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder, mix together milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and cocoa powder over medium heat until combined. Once heated through, pour into mugs and serve topped with whipped cream or marshmallows.

Substitute for Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

If you run out of unsweetened cocoa powder while preparing your recipe but have Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder on hand, you can use it as a substitute. Since dutch-processed cocoa powder has been treated with an alkalizing agent, it is less acidic than unsweetened cocoa powder. Therefore, you may need to adjust the amount of baking soda or baking powder in your recipe accordingly.

When substituting Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder for unsweetened cocoa powder, use the same amount called for in your recipe. If the recipe calls for baking soda, reduce it by 1/8 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of cocoa powder used. If the recipe calls for baking powder, increase it by 1/8 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of cocoa powder used.

Leaveners That Work Best with Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder

Dutch-processed cocoa powder is a type of cocoa powder that has been treated with an alkaline solution to neutralize its natural acidity. This process results in a darker color, smoother flavor, and less bitter taste compared to natural cocoa powder. However, it also affects the way it reacts with leaveners, which are ingredients that help baked goods rise by releasing gas when heated. In this article, we’ll discuss the leaveners that work best with Dutch-processed cocoa powder and why.

Baking Soda is the Most Commonly Used Leavener with Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an alkaline leavener that reacts with acids to produce carbon dioxide gas. It’s commonly used in recipes that contain acidic ingredients such as buttermilk, yogurt, vinegar, or citrus juice. When combined with Dutch-processed cocoa powder, which has a neutral pH around 7.0, baking soda creates a chemical reaction that produces bubbles of carbon dioxide gas and makes the batter or dough rise.

However, using too much baking soda can result in an overly bitter taste because it’s not completely neutralized by the cocoa powder’s alkalinity. Therefore, it’s important to measure accurately and use only the amount specified in the recipe. A general rule of thumb is to use 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda per cup of flour when using Dutch-processed cocoa powder.

Baking Powder Can Also Be Used With Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder

Baking powder is another type of leavener that contains both an acid (usually cream of tartar) and a base (usually baking soda) in dry form. When mixed with liquid and heated during baking, baking powder releases carbon dioxide gas from both ingredients and causes the batter or dough to rise. For a richer chocolate flavor, you can use dutch cocoa or special dark chocolate cocoa in your recipe.

Although baking powder can be used with Dutch-processed cocoa powder, it’s less effective than baking soda because it already contains baking soda as one of its ingredients. Therefore, using both in a recipe may result in an excessive amount of leavening and cause the baked goods to collapse or have a coarse texture. If you’re using baking powder with Dutch-processed cocoa powder, make sure to use only double-acting baking powder, which releases gas twice during the baking process.

What Kind of Leavener Works With Natural Cocoa Powder?

Natural cocoa powder is different from Dutch-processed cocoa powder because it hasn’t been treated with an alkaline solution and has a pH around 5.0. This means that natural cocoa powder is acidic and requires an acidic leavener like cream of tartar or lemon juice to react properly.

Baking soda can also be used with natural cocoa powder, but it needs an acidic ingredient in the recipe to activate it. Otherwise, the batter or dough will taste bitter and have a yellowish color due to unreacted baking soda. In contrast, using an alkaline leavener like baking powder with natural cocoa powder will result in a neutralization reaction that cancels out both ingredients’ effects and produces a flat baked good.

Tips for Adding Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder to Recipes

Use Dutch-processed cocoa powder in recipes that call for baking powder.

Dutch-processed cocoa powder is treated with an alkalizing agent, which neutralizes its natural acidity. This process results in a smoother flavor and darker color than natural cocoa powder. However, it also means that Dutch-processed cocoa powder does not react with baking soda, which requires acidity to activate. Therefore, when you use Dutch-processed cocoa powder in recipes that call for baking soda, the baked goods will not rise properly. Instead, use it in recipes that call for baking powder or both baking soda and baking powder.

Be careful not to overuse Dutch-processed cocoa powder, as it can make baked goods dry and crumbly.

Dutch-processed cocoa powder has a more concentrated flavor than natural cocoa powder. Therefore, using too much of it can result in baked goods that are dry and crumbly. The general rule of thumb is to replace no more than 25% of the natural cocoa powder called for in a recipe with Dutch-processed cocoa powder. For example, if a recipe calls for 1 cup of natural cocoa powder, you can replace up to ¼ cup (or 4 tablespoons) of it with Dutch-processed cocoa powder.

What if the recipe doesn’t specify the type of cocoa powder to use?

If a recipe doesn’t specify whether to use natural or Dutch-processed cocoa powder, you can usually assume that it calls for natural unsweetened cocoa unless otherwise indicated. In this case, you can still use Dutch-processed cocoa instead by making adjustments accordingly. If the recipe calls for baking soda only or no leavening agent at all (such as cookies), consider adding some cream of tartar (an acidic ingredient) or replacing some of the flour with cake flour (which contains less protein and produces tender baked goods).

How to store cocoa powder

Cocoa powder should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. A pantry or cupboard is usually a good spot. Avoid storing it in the refrigerator or freezer, as the moisture can cause it to clump and lose its flavor. Keep it in an airtight container to prevent air and moisture from getting in.

Why Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is a Must-Have in Your Kitchen

If you’re a chocolate lover, then you know that not all cocoa powders are created equal. the type of cocoa powder you use can make all the difference. That’s why Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is a must-have in your kitchen.

Perfect for Making Rich and Flavorful Hot Cocoa

There’s nothing quite like a warm cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter day. But if you’re using an inferior cocoa powder, your hot cocoa might be lacking in flavor. That’s where Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder comes in.

This special dark chocolate cocoa powder adds depth and richness to your hot cocoa that other powders simply can’t match. It has a bold flavor that stands up well against milk or water, making it perfect for creating the ultimate cozy drink.

Adds Intense Flavor to Desserts and Truffles

But Hershey’s Special Dark isn’t just great for making hot cocoa – it also adds an intense flavor to desserts and truffles. The rich chocolatey taste of this special dark chocolate cocoa powder makes it perfect for creating decadent treats that will impress your friends and family.

Whether you’re making brownies, cakes, or cookies, adding Hershey’s Special Dark will take your dessert game to the next level. And if you’re feeling extra fancy, try using this dutched cocoa powder to make homemade truffles – they’ll be so good that you won’t want to share!

Create a Variety of Chocolate Desserts That are Sure to Impress

One of the best things about Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is its versatility. This unique blend of cocoa can be used in so many different ways, allowing you to create an endless variety of chocolate desserts that are sure to impress.

From chocolate mousse to chocolate pudding, Hershey’s Special Dark can be used in all sorts of recipes. And because it has such a strong flavor, you don’t need to use as much of it as you would with other cocoa powders. This means that your desserts will have a richer taste without being overly sweet.

The Must-Have Ingredient in Your Kitchen

Overall, Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is a must-have ingredient in your kitchen if you’re a fan of chocolate. Its rich flavor and versatility make it perfect for creating all sorts of delicious treats that will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Whether you’re making hot cocoa on a chilly day or whipping up some homemade truffles for a special occasion, Hershey’s Special Dark is the perfect choice. So go ahead and stock up on this amazing dutched cocoa powder – your taste buds will thank you!


Serving Size for Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder

The serving size for Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder is one tablespoon, which is equivalent to 5 grams. This amount contains 20 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 1 gram of protein. However, it is important to note that the nutritional information may vary depending on the recipe or food item you are using the cocoa powder in.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder has received an average rating of 4.8 stars out of 5 from customers who have purchased and reviewed the product. Customers have praised the quality and rich flavor of the cocoa powder as well as its versatility in various recipes.

Use in Cakes, Cookies, Waffles, and Other Food Items

Yes, Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder can be used in a variety of food items such as cakes, cookies, waffles, brownies, hot chocolate drinks and more. It can also be used as an ingredient in savory dishes like chili or mole sauce to add depth and richness to the flavor profile.

When using Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder in baking recipes like cakes or cookies, it is important to follow the recipe instructions carefully for best results. Using too much or too little cocoa powder can affect the texture and taste of your baked goods.

General Nutrition Advice and DV Information

Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder is a good source of antioxidants which help fight against free radicals that damage cells in our body. It also contains iron which helps transport oxygen throughout our body.

According to FDA guidelines based on a daily diet of 2000 calories per day, incorporating special dark chocolate cocoa powder or dutch cocoa powder can enhance your meals.

  • One tablespoon (5 grams) of Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder provides 2% DV (Daily Value) for total fat.

  • One tablespoon (5 grams) of special dark chocolate cocoa powder or dutch cocoa powder provides less than 1 gram of sugar, which is not a significant source of sugar.

  • One tablespoon (5 grams) provides 2% DV for iron.

It is important to note that Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder should be consumed in moderation as it does contain calories and fat. It should also be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality and flavor.

Container Size and Amount of Cocoa Powder

Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder comes in a 8 oz (226g) container. Each container contains approximately 45 servings or tablespoons of cocoa powder.

When using Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder in recipes, it is important to measure the amount accurately to ensure the best results. Too much or too little cocoa powder can affect the taste and texture of your recipe.

Conclusion: Why Hershey’s Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder is a Must-Have in Your Kitchen

If you’re a baking enthusiast, Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder should be a staple in your kitchen. This cocoa powder is dutch-processed, meaning it has been treated with an alkaline solution to neutralize its acidity. Here are some reasons why you need Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder in your pantry.

Firstly, the difference between natural cocoa and dutch-processed cocoa powder is significant. While natural cocoa powder has a strong acidic taste, dutch-processed cocoa powder is smoother and milder. As a result, it creates baked goods that are richer and more flavorful.

Secondly, Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder has several benefits when used in baking and cooking. It adds depth of flavor to chocolate cakes, brownies, cookies, and other desserts. It can be used as a substitute for unsweetened chocolate or cacao nibs.

Thirdly, Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder contains only three ingredients: cocoa processed with alkali (dutching), sugar, and natural vanilla flavoring. It is also gluten-free certified by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO).

Fourthly, there are countless ways to use Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder in baking and cooking. You can add it to smoothies for an extra boost of antioxidants or mix it into oatmeal for a decadent breakfast treat.

Fifthly, leaveners like baking soda work best with dutch-processed cocoa powder because they react with the alkaline solution to create carbon dioxide gas bubbles that help baked goods rise.

Sixthly, adding dutch-processed cocoa powder to recipes requires some adjustments due to its unique properties. For example, reducing the amount of acid in your recipe may be necessary since dutch-processed cocoa powder is less acidic than natural cocoa.

Seventhly, Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is a must-have in your kitchen because of its versatility and rich flavor. Whether you’re making chocolate cake or hot cocoa, this cocoa powder will elevate your dessert game to the next level.

Lastly, if you have any questions about Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder, check out our FAQ section below for more information.

In conclusion, Hershey’s Special Dark Dutched Cocoa Powder is an essential ingredient for any baking enthusiast. Its unique properties and rich flavor make it a must-have in your pantry. So why not add it to your shopping list today? Your taste buds will thank you!

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