Black Cocoa Powder NZ – Perfect for Baking | Equagold 500g & 1kg

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Black Cocoa Powder NZ – Perfect for Baking | Equagold 500g & 1kg

black cocoa powder nz

Are you a baking enthusiast looking for an ingredient that can take your cupcakes and flat cakes to the next level? Look no further than black cocoa powder. This natural colouring agent has been gaining popularity in New Zealand thanks to its distinct flavour and appearance, making it a great addition to your food colours collection.

What sets black cocoa powder apart from regular cocoa powder? Its deep, dark color and intense chocolate flavor make it a favorite among bakers who want to add a rich, bold taste and colour to their cupcakes. But where did this special ingredient come from?

The history of black cocoa powder dates back centuries, when Dutch chocolate makers developed a process for treating cocoa beans with alkali to create a darker, less bitter product. Today, black cocoa powder is still used in everything from cakes and cookies to ice cream and hot chocolate. For those who want to add some color to their baked goods, sprinkles and gel color can be used as well.

So why not try adding some black cocoa powder to your next baking project for a unique colour twist? You might just be surprised by the delicious results, especially when presented on a stunning marble masonite cake board round. And if you need it for urgent delivery, consider using Equagold for fast and reliable service.

Benefits of Using Black Cocoa Powder in Baking

Health Benefits of Using Black Cocoa Powder in Baking

Black cocoa powder is a type of cocoa powder that has been processed with an alkalizing agent, resulting in a darker colour and a more intense flavor. It is also known for its health benefits, making it an excellent ingredient to use in baking cakes.

One of the main health benefits of black cocoa powder is its high level of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Black cocoa powder is often used in cake recipes, and its flavonoids have been shown to improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.

Another benefit of using black cocoa powder in baking is that it is perfect for making cake. It is low in fat and calories, making it an excellent alternative to traditional chocolate products. By using black cocoa powder instead of regular cocoa powder or chocolate chips, you can reduce the calorie count and make your cakes healthier overall.

Improved Taste and Texture in Baked Goods with the Use of Black Cocoa Powder

Using black cocoa powder in your cake can also improve its taste and texture. Because black cocoa powder has a more intense flavor than regular cocoa powder, it can add depth and richness to your cake recipes. It also has a slightly bitter taste, which can balance out the sweetness of other ingredients like sugar or vanilla extract.

In addition to improving the flavor profile of your baked goods, black cocoa powder can also enhance their texture. When added to recipes like brownies or cakes, it can create a denser texture that is similar to fudge or truffles. This makes for a deliciously decadent treat that will impress any chocolate lover.

The Versatility of Black Cocoa Powder in Different Types of Baking Recipes

One of the best things about using black cocoa powder in baking is its versatility. It can be used in a wide variety of recipes, from cakes and cookies to muffins and breads. Here are just a few examples:

  • Black cocoa powder can be used to make rich, fudgy brownies and cakes that are perfect for satisfying your chocolate cravings.
  • It can also be added to chocolate cake batter, along with Equagold black cocoa, to create a deeper, more intense chocolate flavor.
  • Black cocoa powder is an excellent ingredient for making homemade hot chocolate mix and cake.
  • You can even use Equagold black cocoa to make delicious cakes or savory dishes like mole sauce or chili.

Types of Black Cocoa Powder Available in NZ

Cocoa powder comes in different types, and black cocoa powder is one variety that has gained popularity among bakers and chocolate lovers. It’s a highly alkalized form of cocoa powder that gives baked goods a rich, dark color and intense chocolate flavor, making it perfect for cake recipes. In New Zealand, you can find various types of black cocoa powders with different characteristics that can elevate the taste and appearance of your cakes.

Natural vs. Dutch Processed Black Cocoa Powders

One way to categorize black cocoa powders is by their processing method: natural or Dutch processed. Natural cocoa powder is made from roasted cocoa beans that are ground into a fine powder without any additional processing steps. It has a reddish-brown color, acidic taste, and low pH level (around 5), which makes it react with baking soda to create leavening action in cakes.

Dutch processed cocoa powder is a popular ingredient in cake recipes. It undergoes an additional step where it’s treated with an alkalizing agent to raise its pH level and reduce acidity and bitterness, resulting in a darker color. Dutch processed black cocoa powders are often used in cake recipes that require a deep chocolate flavor without the tangy notes of natural cocoa powder.

High-Fat vs. Low-Fat Black Cocoa Powders

Another way to differentiate between black cocoa powders is by their fat content, which can be crucial in making the perfect cake. Cocoa beans naturally contain about 50% fat (cocoa butter), which gets extracted during the grinding process to make cocoa powder. However, some manufacturers leave more or less fat in their products, resulting in high-fat or low-fat varieties that can affect the texture and flavor of your cake.

High-fat black cocoa powders have more than 20% fat content and are usually labeled as “premium” or “extra dark.” They have a smoother texture and richer flavor than low-fat versions but also tend to be more expensive. Low-fat black cocoa powders have less than 10% fat content and are often used in recipes that require a drier texture, such as cookies or brownies. These powders are also suitable for making delicious cake.

Other Variations of Black Cocoa Powders

Apart from natural vs. Dutch processed and high-fat vs.

Comparison of Different Brands of Black Cocoa Powder in

Overview and Comparison between Popular Brands Sold on

Black cocoa powder is a highly sought-after ingredient for baking enthusiasts, especially those who love to make rich, dark chocolate treats. If you’re looking for the best black cocoa powder in New Zealand, has got you covered with a wide range of options to choose from.

Here’s an overview and comparison of some popular brands sold on

1. Valrhona Black Cocoa Powder

Valrhona is a renowned French chocolate maker that produces high-quality cocoa powder. Its black cocoa powder has an intense flavor and deep color, making it perfect for use in brownies, cakes, and cookies. It has a 10-12% fat content and is alkalized to give it a mellow taste.

2. Guittard Black Cocoa Powder

Guittard is another famous chocolate brand that offers black cocoa powder with a rich flavor profile. It has a 10-12% fat content and is also alkalized to reduce bitterness. Guittard’s black cocoa powder works well in recipes that require both natural and Dutch-process cocoa powders.

3. Bensdorp Black Cocoa Powder

Bensdorp is a Dutch company that specializes in producing premium quality cocoa products. Its black cocoa powder has an intense chocolatey taste with low acidity levels. It also has a higher fat content (22-24%) than other brands, which makes it ideal for making fudgy brownies or truffles.

Ratings, Reviews, and Customer Feedback for Each Brand

To help you make an informed decision when purchasing black cocoa powder from, here are some ratings, reviews, and customer feedback for each brand:

Valrhona Black Cocoa Powder

  • Rating: 4.9/5 stars
  • Review: “Valrhona’s black cocoa powder is hands down the best I’ve ever used. It gives my chocolate cakes a deep, rich flavor that my family can’t get enough of.”
  • Customer feedback: “I’ve been using Valrhona’s cocoa powder for years, and it never disappoints. Highly recommend!”

Guittard Black Cocoa Powder

  • Rating: 4.8/5 stars
  • Review: “Guittard’s black cocoa powder is perfect for making Oreo-style cookies. It has a great balance of bitterness and sweetness that makes them taste amazing.”
  • Customer feedback: “I was hesitant to try Guittard’s cocoa powder at first, but now I’m hooked! The quality is top-notch.”

Bensdorp Black Cocoa Powder

  • Rating: 4.7/5 stars
  • Review: “Bensdorp’s black cocoa powder is excellent for making homemade truffles. Its high fat content gives them a smooth texture that melts in your mouth.”
  • Customer feedback: “I love Bensdorp’s cocoa powder! It adds an intense chocolatey flavor to all my baked goods.

Tips for Baking with Black Cocoa Powder

Guidelines for Substituting Regular Cocoa Powder with Black Cocoa Powder

If you’re looking to add a unique twist to your baking recipes, black cocoa powder is an excellent ingredient to use. It has a distinct flavor and color that can make your baked goods stand out. However, substituting regular cocoa powder with black cocoa powder requires some guidelines.

Firstly, it’s important to note that black cocoa powder is not the same as Dutch-processed cocoa powder. While Dutch-processed cocoa powder is alkalized, black cocoa powder undergoes additional processing, which makes it darker and more intense in flavor.

When substituting regular cocoa powder with black cocoa powder, keep in mind that the latter has a more potent flavor and color. Therefore, use less of it than you would regular cocoa powder. A good rule of thumb is to replace one-third of the amount of regular cocoa powder required in your recipe with black cocoa powder.

Recommended Measurements when Using Black Cocoa Powder

As mentioned earlier, using too much black cocoa powder can overpower the other flavors in your baked goods. Therefore, it’s essential to measure accurately when using this ingredient.

Here are some recommended measurements when using black cocoa powder:

  • For every 1/4 cup (30 grams) of regular unsweetened cocoa powder required in a recipe, use 2 tablespoons (10 grams) of black cocoa powder.
  • If you’re making chocolate cake batter from scratch and want an intense chocolate flavor and dark color, use equal parts of both types of powders.
  • When making brownies or cookies where the recipe calls for only a small amount of unsweetened chocolate or unsweetened baking chocolate squares (not chips), substitute half of it with black cocoa.

Tips for Achieving the Best Results when Baking with Black Cocoa Powder

While using black cocoa powder can add depth and richness to your baked goods, it can also make them drier and denser. Here are some tips to help you achieve the best results when baking with this ingredient:

  • Use black cocoa powder in combination with regular cocoa powder for a more balanced flavor and texture.
  • Add an extra egg or use buttermilk instead of regular milk in your recipe to keep your baked goods moist.
  • Sift the black cocoa powder before using it to remove any lumps that may form during storage.
  • Do not overmix the batter when using black cocoa powder, as it can lead to tough and dry baked goods.
  • To help your cake rise better, add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda for every 1 cup (120 grams) of black cocoa powder used.

Recipe Ideas Using Black Cocoa Powder

Black cocoa powder is a unique ingredient that can add depth and richness to your baked goods. Unlike natural cocoa powder, black cocoa is processed with an alkalizing agent, resulting in a darker color and more intense flavor.

Sweet Treats

Black cocoa powder is perfect for creating rich, decadent desserts. Here are some sweet treat ideas to try:

  • Black Cocoa Brownies: Swap out normal cocoa powder for black cocoa in your favorite brownie recipe for a fudgier, deeper chocolate flavor.
  • Oreo Cookies: Use black cocoa powder in homemade Oreo cookies for a darker cookie and filling.
  • Marble Masonite Cake Board Round: Create a stunning marble effect on cakes by using both normal and black dutch cocoa powders in the batter.

Savory Dishes

While it may seem unusual to use chocolate in savory dishes, black cocoa can add complexity to sauces and marinades. Here are some ideas:

  • Mole Sauce: Mole is a traditional Mexican sauce made with chocolate. Try using black dutch cocoa powder instead of regular unsweetened chocolate for a richer flavor.
  • Cocoa Rubbed Steak: Mix together equal parts black dutch cocoa powder, chili powder, cumin, salt, and pepper. Rub onto steak before grilling or searing for a unique smoky flavor.
  • Chocolate Buttercream: Add 1/4 cup of unsweetened black dutch cocoa powder to your favorite buttercream recipe for a deep chocolate flavor that pairs well with dark fruits like cherries or berries.

How to Store and Use Black Cocoa Powder Properly

Proper Storage Techniques

Black cocoa powder is a delicious ingredient that can add depth and richness to any dessert. However, it’s essential to store it correctly to maintain its freshness over time. Here are some tips for proper storage:

  • Keep the black cocoa powder in an airtight container: This will prevent moisture from getting in and keep the powder fresh for longer.
  • Store in a cool, dry place: Avoid storing the cocoa powder near heat or light sources as this can cause it to spoil quickly.
  • Don’t refrigerate or freeze: Unlike other food items, black cocoa powder should not be refrigerated or frozen as this can cause condensation to form on the surface of the powder.

Shelf Life Expectancy

The shelf life of black cocoa powder depends on how well you store it. In general, if stored correctly, unopened packages of black cocoa powder can last up to two years. Once opened, however, the shelf life decreases significantly due to exposure to air and moisture.

To ensure that your black cocoa powder stays fresh for as long as possible, try these tips:

  • Use within six months of opening: After six months, the flavor and quality may start to deteriorate.
  • Smell before use: If there is any sign of off odor or mold growth, discard immediately.
  • Check expiration dates: Always check the expiration date before using your black cocoa powder.

Best Practices When Using It As An Ingredient

Black cocoa powder is versatile and can be used in many different recipes. Here are some best practices when using it as an ingredient:

  • Measure carefully: Black cocoa powder has a strong flavor so make sure you measure accurately according to recipe instructions.
  • Mix with other types of cocoa: Mixing black cocoa with regular unsweetened cocoa will give your desserts a more balanced flavor profile.
  • Sift before use: Black cocoa powder can be clumpy, so it’s best to sift it before using it in recipes.
  • Use sparingly: Black cocoa powder has a strong flavor and can quickly overpower other ingredients. Start with small amounts and gradually add more as needed.

Why Black Cocoa Powder NZ is a Must-Have in Your Kitchen

Unique Flavour Profile

Black cocoa powder is a highly sought-after ingredient for its unique flavour profile. Unlike regular cocoa powder, black cocoa has been alkalized to the extreme, giving it a deep, dark colour and an intense chocolate flavour. This makes it perfect for adding depth and complexity to your baked goods or desserts.

Not only does black cocoa add delicious flavour to your recipes, but it also provides a striking black colour that can make your creations stand out. It’s ideal for creating visually stunning cakes, cookies, and other treats that are sure to impress.

Health Benefits

In addition to its great taste and appearance, black cocoa powder also offers numerous health benefits. It’s high in antioxidants that protect against cell damage and inflammation. Antioxidants have been linked to reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Black cocoa powder is also low in fat and sugar compared to regular cocoa powder, making it an excellent choice for those who are watching their calorie intake. Studies have shown that consuming dark chocolate (which contains high levels of cocoa) may improve brain function and reduce the risk of depression.


One of the best things about black cocoa powder is its versatility. It can be used in a variety of recipes ranging from sweet treats like brownies and cakes to savoury dishes like mole sauce or barbecue rubs.

Here are some creative ways you can use black cocoa powder:

  • Add it to your morning smoothie for an extra boost of antioxidants.
  • Use it as a natural food colouring agent in frosting or icing.
  • Mix it with spices like cinnamon or chili powder for a unique rub on grilled meats.
  • Combine it with flour when making homemade pasta for a rich chocolate flavour.
  • Use it as an ingredient in homemade ice cream or sorbet.

The possibilities are endless.


What is black cocoa powder?

Black cocoa powder is a type of cocoa powder that has been processed with an alkalizing agent to reduce its acidity levels. This process also gives the cocoa powder a darker color and richer flavor compared to regular cocoa powder.

What are the benefits of using black cocoa powder in baking?

Black cocoa powder adds a deep chocolate flavor and dark color to baked goods, making it perfect for creating rich desserts like cakes, brownies, and cookies. It also has a lower acidity level than regular cocoa powder, which can help balance out the sweetness in your recipes.

Can I substitute black cocoa powder for regular cocoa powder in my recipes?

Yes, you can substitute black cocoa powder for regular cocoa powder in your recipes. However, keep in mind that black cocoa powder has a stronger flavor and darker color than regular cocoa powder, so you may need to adjust the amount used in your recipe accordingly.

Where can I buy black cocoa powder in New Zealand?

You can find black cocoa powder at specialty baking stores or online retailers that sell baking goods. Some popular options include The Caker (which also offers delivery), Moore Wilson’s (which has multiple locations across New Zealand), and The Essential Ingredient (which offers both online ordering and physical store locations).

Are there any tips for using black cocoa powder in my baking?

When using black cocoa powder in your baking, it’s important to remember that it has a stronger flavor than regular cocoa powder. To avoid overpowering your recipe with chocolate flavor, consider mixing it with other types of flour or using it as part of a blend with other types of chocolate. You should also be careful not to overmix your batter when incorporating the black cocoa powder, as this can cause your baked goods to become tough or dry.

What are some popular recipes that use black Cocoa Powder?

Black Cocoa Powder is often used in cake recipes such as Red Velvet Cake or Devil’s Food Cake. It can also be used in brownies, cookies, and even homemade ice cream.

Are there any popular restaurants or cafes that use black cocoa powder?

Many bakeries and pastry shops across New Zealand use black cocoa powder in their baked goods. Some popular examples include The Caker (which has multiple locations across Auckland), Sweet Bakery & Cakery (located in Wellington), and Bluebells Cakery (with locations in both Auckland and Waiheke Island).

How do I store black cocoa powder?

To ensure the best quality and flavor of your black cocoa powder, it’s important to store it properly. Keep it in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and heat sources. You can also store it in the refrigerator or freezer to extend its shelf life.

Conclusion: Why Black Cocoa Powder NZ is a Must-Have in Your Kitchen

In conclusion, black cocoa powder is an essential ingredient for any baking enthusiast. Its unique flavor and color can enhance the taste and presentation of your baked goods. There are different types of black cocoa powder available in New Zealand, each with its own distinct characteristics. provides a comprehensive comparison of various brands to help you choose the best one for your needs.

When baking with black cocoa powder, it’s important to follow some tips to achieve the best results. You can also experiment with different recipes that incorporate this ingredient, such as brownies, cakes, and cookies.

Proper storage and usage of black cocoa powder will ensure its freshness and quality over time. By keeping it in an airtight container away from heat and moisture, you can extend its shelf life for up to a year.

Overall, adding black cocoa powder NZ to your kitchen pantry is a wise decision if you want to take your baking skills to the next level. So go ahead and give it a try!


Q: Can I substitute regular cocoa powder with black cocoa powder?

A: No, they are not interchangeable as they have different properties. Black cocoa powder has a more intense flavor and darker color than regular cocoa powder.

Q: Is black cocoa powder healthy?

A: While it contains some nutrients like iron and fiber, it also has high levels of fat and calories. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Q: Where can I buy black cocoa powder in NZ?

A: You can find it at specialty food stores or online retailers like Amazon or TradeMe.

Q: How much black cocoa powder should I use in my recipe?

A: It depends on the recipe and personal preference. Generally speaking, 1/4 cup of black cocoa powder per cup of flour is recommended for optimal results.

Q: Can I use black cocoa powder in savory dishes?

A: While it’s primarily used in sweet baked goods, you can also experiment with using it in savory dishes like marinades or rubs for meat.

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