Which Cocoa Powder is Best for Drinking – Top Picks and Reviews

which cocoa powder is best for drinking

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Which Cocoa Powder is Best for Drinking – Top Picks and Reviews

which cocoa powder is best for drinking

Are you a hot chocolate or coffee drinks lover looking for the best cocoa powder to elevate your drinking experience? Look no further! But what makes a cocoa powder stand out from the rest? Factors such as percent cacao, flavor, texture, and origin can all play a role in determining which cocoa powder is best suited for drinking or making chocolates. Drinking cocoa powder has numerous health benefits, including improved heart health and reduced inflammation. So not only will you be indulging in a delicious treat, but you’ll also be doing your body some good. Join us as we dive into the world of cacao barry powders and discover which ones are worth sipping on or using in chocolates in 2023.

Benefits of Natural and Organic Cocoa Powders for Drinking

Cocoa powder, with its various health benefits, is a popular ingredient in hot chocolate, smoothies, and baked goods. However, not all cocoa powders are created equal. In recent years, natural and organic cocoa powders have gained popularity due to their health benefits. For those who prefer more intense flavor, cacao barry with a higher percent cacao is also available. Additionally, cocoa powder can be used as an ingredient in coffee drinks for added richness and flavor. It’s important to pay attention to the ingredients used in cocoa powder to ensure the best quality and taste.

Health Benefits of Organic Cocoa Powder

Organic cocoa powder, with its higher percent cacao, offers more health benefits than regular milk chocolate. Dark chocolate, a type of chocolate with high cacao content, is also known to be healthier than milk chocolate. Here are some reasons why organic cocoa powder and dark chocolate are better for you:

  • Higher levels of antioxidants: Organic cocoa powders, commonly used in dark chocolate and drinking chocolates, contain higher levels of antioxidants such as flavonoids than regular cocoa powders found in milk chocolate. Flavonoids help protect the body from free radicals that can cause damage to cells, making organic chocolate a healthier chocolate type option.
  • Free from harmful chemicals: Organic cocoa powders, commonly used as chocolate type ingredients for drinking chocolates, coffee drinks, and tea, are grown without the use of harmful chemicals and pesticides. This means that they do not contain any residues that could be harmful to your health.
  • Nutritional information: Organic cocoa powders, a popular chocolate type, are rich in nutrients such as iron, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These nutrients are essential for maintaining good health. They can be used in making coffee drinks and drinking chocolates with fewer calories.

Pros and Cons of Natural Cocoa Powders

While natural cocoa powders, a type of chocolate, offer some health benefits over regular cocoa powders, there are also some drawbacks to consider. Drinking chocolates and coffee drinks made with natural cocoa powder can be a healthier option than those made with regular cocoa powder. Additionally, natural cocoa powder can be a great addition to tea for an added health boost.


  • More antioxidants: Like natural cocoa powder, organic cocoa powder of different chocolate types contains higher levels of antioxidants, making it perfect for drinking chocolates, tea, and coffee drinks.
  • Less processed: Natural cocoa powder, a type of chocolate, is less processed than regular cocoa powder which means it retains more of its nutritional value. It can be used to make drinking chocolate or added to coffee drinks for a rich flavor. However, it does not contain butter like some other chocolate types.


  • Bitter taste: Natural cocoa powder, a type of chocolate, has a bitter taste compared to regular or Dutch-process cocoas because it is less alkalized. This bitterness can be balanced out when making drinking chocolate or coffee drinks by adding butter for a creamier texture.
  • Shorter product shelf life: Due to its high fat content, natural cocoa powder has a shorter shelf life than other types of cocoas. This can also apply to drinking chocolate and butter used in coffee drinks.

Professional Chef and Baker Recommendations: Best Cocoa Powders for Drinking

Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder is the Preferred Choice

Professional chefs and bakers recommend using Dutch-processed cocoa powder for drinking coffee. This type of cocoa powder has been treated with an alkalizing agent to neutralize its acidity, resulting in a smoother flavor profile that is less bitter than natural cocoa powder. The neutral pH level of this cocoa powder also makes it easier to dissolve in liquid, making it ideal for hot chocolate or other drinks. This product comes in various sizes, making it easy to mix according to your needs.

Valrhona Cocoa Powder: A Popular Choice Among Professionals

Valrhona cocoa powder is a popular product choice among chefs for its rich flavor and smooth texture. Made from carefully selected cocoa beans, this high-quality French chocolate brand produces some of the best-tasting cocoa powders on the market. Their cocoa powders are known for their deep, complex flavors that are perfect for creating indulgent hot chocolates or adding depth to baked goods. Additionally, Valrhona cocoa powder is also great for coffee drinks. It comes in various sizes to fit any recipe needs.

Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder: An Affordable Option

For a more affordable option, Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder is also recommended by professional chefs. This American brand offers a budget-friendly product alternative to premium brands like Valrhona without compromising on quality. Its dark color and intense chocolate flavor make it perfect for baking, making hot cocoa, or adding to coffee drinks. Additionally, it comes in a convenient size for easy storage and use.

Unsweetened Cocoa Powder: For Those Who Prefer Less Sweet Drinks

Unsweetened cocoa powder is the best choice for those who prefer a less sweet drink. It contains no added sugar and has a more bitter taste compared to sweetened varieties. However, this type of cocoa powder can be used as an ingredient in recipes that require sweetness such as cakes or brownies. If you’re looking for a drinking chocolate product, unsweetened cocoa powder can also be mixed with milk to create a rich and indulgent beverage. Additionally, it’s a great addition to coffee drinks for a mocha flavor without the added sweetness.

High-Quality Cocoa Powder Is Essential

It’s important to use high-quality cocoa powder when making drinks or baked goods because it affects both taste and health benefits. Drinking chocolate, a popular beverage made from cocoa powder, also benefits from using high-quality products. Low-quality cocoa powders may contain additives like sugar or artificial flavors that can compromise the purity of the product. High-quality cocoa powder features pure cocoa beans and contains no added ingredients.

Understanding the Source of the Best Cocoa Powder: West Africa

Why West Africa is the Source of the Best Cocoa Powder

Not all cocoa powders are created equal. One region that stands out as a producer of high-quality cocoa powder product is West Africa. This region has ideal climate and soil conditions for growing cacao beans, which are used to make cocoa powder features. The cacao beans grown in West Africa have a high percentage of cacao, resulting in a rich, intense flavor that is perfect for drinking.

The Importance of Cacao Content in Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is a product made from grinding roasted cocoa beans into a fine powder. The percentage of cacao in the beans determines the quality and flavor of the resulting cocoa powder, which can be used to make drinking chocolate. Higher percentages of cacao result in richer, more intense flavors.

West African cocoa beans are a popular product due to their high percentages of cacao, making them ideal for creating a range of delicious products. In fact, some West African cocoa powders contain up to 90% cacao, making them a sought-after ingredient for any chocolate product.

Black Cocoa Powder vs. Regular Cocoa Powder

Black cocoa powder is a popular product made from heavily alkalized cocoa beans. It has a distinct dark color and bitter taste, making it ideal for baking recipes. However, it is not recommended as a drinking product due to its low percentage of cacao and unpleasant taste.

Regular cocoa powder, on the other hand, can be used for both baking and drinking. When choosing regular cocoa powder for drinking purposes, it’s important to look for products with high percentages of cacao (at least 70%) to ensure a rich flavor.

Choosing the Right Cocoa Powder for Drinking

When selecting a cocoa powder product for drinking purposes, there are several factors to consider:

  • Percentage of Cacao: Look for products with at least 70% cacao content. Consider using fat cocoa powder or organic cocoa powder for better quality. Avoid using supermarket cocoa and choose the best cocoa powder for a richer flavor.
  • Added Sugars: Avoid products that contain added sugars or artificial flavors, including supermarket cocoa, baking powder, milk powder, and drinking chocolate.
  • Brand Reputation: Choose reputable brands known for producing high-quality cocoa powder product and drinking chocolate.
  • Price: Higher quality cocoa powders may come with a higher price tag, but they’re worth the investment for a rich, flavorful drinking chocolate product.

Some of the best West African cocoa powder products for drinking include:

  • Valrhona Cocoa Powder: This premium cocoa powder, a perfect product for making drinking chocolate, is made from 100% pure cacao and has a rich flavor with notes of red fruit and chestnut.
  • Guittard Cocoa Powder: Another high-end product option, Guittard Cocoa Powder is made from single-origin West African cacao beans and has a deep chocolate flavor.
  • Droste Cocoa Powder: This Dutch product brand uses West African cacao beans to create a cocoa powder product with a smooth, velvety texture and intense chocolate flavor.

Differentiating between Natural and Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is a versatile product that can be used in various recipes, such as cakes, brownies, and hot chocolate. However, not all cocoa powders are created equal. There are two types of cocoa powder available in the market: natural and Dutch-processed (also known as alkalized or Dutched).

What is Dutch Cocoa Powder?

Dutch cocoa powder is a product made by treating natural cocoa powder with an alkalizing agent to neutralize its acidity. This process, invented by a Dutch chemist named Coenraad Johannes van Houten in 1828, was intended to make the cocoa powder more soluble in water and enhance its flavor. The resulting drinking chocolate is a popular beverage enjoyed by many.

The alkalizing agent used in the process can be potassium carbonate or sodium carbonate. These agents raise the pH level of the cocoa powder from around 5.5 to 7 or higher. As a result, it gives the cocoa powder a darker color and milder flavor compared to natural cocoa powder. This process is commonly used in the production of drinking chocolate product.

Differences between Natural and Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powder

  1. Processing Method Natural cocoa powder is made by crushing roasted cacao beans into a paste and then separating the fat (cocoa butter) from it using hydraulic pressure. The remaining solids are then ground into fine particles that become unsweetened natural cocoa powder, which can be used as a base for drinking chocolate or incorporated into various products.

On the other hand, Dutch-processed cocoa undergoes additional processing after being extracted from roasted cacao beans. It is treated with an alkalizing agent that removes its acidity and changes its color and flavor profile. This results in a product that is perfect for making drinking chocolate, as it already has the milk powder incorporated into it.

  1. One of the most noticeable differences between natural and Dutch-processed cocoa powders is their color. This is especially important when it comes to drinking chocolate, a product that relies heavily on the appearance of the cocoa powder. Natural cocoa has a light brown color while Dutch-processed has a darker hue due to its alkalization process.
  2. Another significant difference between natural and Dutch-processed cocoa powder is their flavor. Natural cocoa has a strong, slightly bitter taste with fruity notes, while Dutch-processed cocoa has a milder flavor that is smoother and less acidic. These differences make each product unique and suitable for different uses, such as natural cocoa being great for making drinking chocolate.
  3. Natural cocoa powder, a common ingredient in drinking chocolate, has a pH level of around 5.5, which makes it acidic. In contrast, Dutch-processed cocoa powder’s pH level is neutralized by alkalizing agents, making it less acidic and a popular product for making drinking chocolate.

Which Cocoa Powder Is Best for Drinking?

The answer to this question depends on personal preference and the product you are using. If you prefer a more robust chocolate flavor with fruity notes in your hot chocolate or smoothies, then natural cocoa powder might be the best option for you.

However, if you want a smoother and milder chocolate product flavor in your drinks without any acidity or bitterness, then go for Dutch-processed cocoa powder.

Types of Cocoa Powder: Sweetened, Unsweetened, Cacao, and Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is a popular product that is used in various recipes, including hot chocolate, chocolate cakes, and baked goods. However, with so many types of cocoa powders available in the market today, it can be challenging to choose which product is best for drinking.

How many types of cocoa powders are there?

There are four main types of cocoa powders available in the market: sweetened cocoa powder, unsweetened cocoa powder, cacao powder, and alkalized or Dutch-processed cocoa powder. Drinking chocolate can be made using any of these cocoa powders.

What is cocoa powder?

Cocoa powder is made by grinding roasted cacao beans into a fine powder. The process removes most of the fat or cocoa butter from the beans resulting in a dry and bitter-tasting substance. Cocoa powders come in various forms depending on how they are processed. Drinking chocolate can be made from cocoa powder by adding milk and sugar to create a rich and creamy beverage.

Sweetened Cocoa Powder

Sweetened cocoa powder has sugar added to it during processing to make it sweeter than unsweetened varieties. It’s commonly used for making hot chocolate drinks as it dissolves easily in milk or water. Hershey’s sweetened cocoa powder is a popular brand known for its rich flavor and sweetness.

Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Unsweetened cocoa powder is purest form of chocolate type and has no added sugar. It has an intense chocolate flavor that’s perfect for baking brownies or cakes where you want a strong chocolate taste without adding too much sweetness. This type of cocoa powder also contains more antioxidants compared to sweetened varieties since there’s no additional sugar masking its natural benefits.

Cacao Powder

Cacao powder comes from raw cacao beans that have been cold-pressed instead of roasted like traditional cocoas. This results in a less processed product that retains more nutrients and antioxidants. Cacao powder has a stronger, more bitter taste than other types of cocoa powders. It’s ideal for making smoothies or protein shakes as it adds a rich chocolate flavor without adding sugar.

Alkalized Cocoa Powder

Alkalized cocoa powder, also known as Dutch-processed cocoa powder, is treated with an alkalizing agent to neutralize its acidity. This process gives the cocoa powder a milder flavor compared to unsweetened cocoa powder. Alkalized cocoa powder is commonly used in baked goods like cakes and cookies since it can help improve their texture and color. For those who prefer drinking chocolate, alkalized cocoa powder can also be a great option.

Top Picks for Best Cocoa Powders for Drinking:

If you are a chocolate lover, then drinking cocoa powder is a must-try. Not only is it delicious, but cocoa powder also has many health benefits. It’s rich in antioxidants and can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health. But with so many different types of cocoa powders available, which one should you choose?

Dark Cocoa Powders

Dark cocoa powders, also known as drinking chocolate, are perfect if you love coffee drinks and smoothies. They have a deep, rich flavor that pairs well with strong coffee or blended into a smoothie. Dark cocoa powders are made by roasting the cacao beans at high temperatures to bring out their natural bitterness. This process removes most of the fat from the beans, resulting in a low-fat powder that is perfect for adding to your favorite drinks.

Top Picks:

  • Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder
  • Ghirardelli Premium Baking Cocoa Powder
  • Valrhona Pure Cocoa Powder

Dutch-Processed Cocoa Powders

Dutch-processed cocoa powders are ideal for hot milk drinks such as hot chocolate or mochas. They have been treated with an alkalizing agent to neutralize their acidity level, resulting in a smoother taste and darker color than natural cocoa powder. Dutch-process cocoas have less bitter notes than natural ones.

Top Picks:

  • Droste Cocoa Powder
  • Guittard Chocolate Grand Cacao Drinking Chocolate
  • Rodelle Gourmet Dutch Processed Baking Cocoa Powder

Natural Cocoa Powders

Natural cocoa powders work best in warm milk drinks like hot chocolate or steamers because they have a more acidic taste profile that complements dairy products’ sweetness while balancing them out with its own bitterness. Natural cocoas contain more flavonoids than other types of cocoa powders, making them the healthiest option.

Top Picks:

  • Anthony’s Organic Cocoa Powder
  • NOW Foods Organic Cocoa Powder
  • Equal Exchange Baking Cocoa

Unsweetened Cocoa Powders

Unsweetened cocoa powders are great if you want to control the sweetness of your drinks, including drinking chocolate. They have no added sugar, which means you can sweeten your drink to your liking without worrying about consuming excess sugar. They also come in different types like natural, Dutch-processed and dark cocoa powder.

Top Picks:

  • Navitas Organics Cacao Powder
  • Guittard Chocolate Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • Hershey’s Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

High-Quality Cocoa Powders

Choosing high-quality cocoa powders is essential for ensuring rich and flavorful drinking chocolate. High-quality cocoas have a higher percentage of cacao solids than other types of cocoa powders, giving them a more intense flavor profile. They also tend to be less processed and contain fewer additives than lower quality options.

Top Picks:

Choosing the Best Cocoa Powder for Your Drinking Needs

If you’re a fan of hot cocoa, then you know that not all cocoa powders are created equal. Some are too bitter, while others are too sweet. Some have a rich chocolatey taste, while others are bland and lackluster. So how do you choose the best cocoa powder for your drinking needs? Here’s what you need to know.

Pure and Natural Cocoa Powder is Key

The best cocoa powder for drinking should be pure and natural cocoa powder. This means that it should be made from 100% cacao beans without any added ingredients like sugar or milk powder. Pure cocoa powder has a deep chocolate flavor that is perfect for hot cocoa.

Fat Cocoa Powder for Richer Chocolate Taste

Fat cocoa powder is ideal if you want a richer chocolate taste in your hot cocoa. This type of cocoa powder has a higher percentage of fat than regular cocoa, giving it a more intense flavor profile. Barry Cocoa Powder is an excellent example of fat cocoa powder that can elevate your hot chocolate game.

Avoid Alkalized (Process) Cocoa Powders

Alkalized or process cocoas, commonly found in supermarket baking aisles, have been treated with an alkalizing agent to neutralize their acidity level. While this process gives the cocoas a milder flavor, it also strips them of many beneficial nutrients and antioxidants found in natural cocoas. For this reason, alkalized or process cocoas aren’t recommended for drinking.

Best Cocoa Powders for Drinking Chocolates

There are several options available:

  • Nestle Toll House Cocoa Powder: It’s unsweetened and perfect for making rich and creamy hot chocolate.
  • Brute Cocoa: This is another great option if you want a bold flavor in your hot chocolate.
  • Natural Cocoas: These types of cocoa powders are minimally processed and have a deep chocolate flavor that is perfect for drinking chocolates. Cocoa Trader’s Organic Cocoa Powder is an excellent example of natural cocoa powder.

Is Drinking Cocoa Powder Good for You?

Drinking cocoa powder can be good for you, as it contains antioxidants called flavonoids that help protect your body from damage caused by free radicals. These flavonoids also have anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve blood flow to the brain and heart. However, it’s important to note that most cocoa powders contain added sugar, which can negate some of these health benefits.

Best Cocoa Powder for Health

If you’re looking for a cocoa powder with health benefits, then opt for unsweetened natural cocoa powder. This type of cocoa powder, also known as drinking chocolate, has the highest amount of flavonoids and antioxidants compared to other types of cocoas. It’s low in calories and sugar-free, making it an ideal choice if you’re watching your weight or managing diabetes.


In conclusion,It’s important to consider the source, type, and processing method. Natural and organic cocoa powders offer more health benefits than their processed counterparts. Professional chefs and bakers recommend West African cocoa powders for their rich taste and quality. Sweetened and unsweetened cocoa powders have different uses in recipes while cacao powder is best for smoothies and hot chocolate drinks.

To help you make an informed decision as a cocoa trader, here are some FAQs about cocoa butter. Have you been wondering about the differences between supermarket cocoa and Dutch cocoa?

Q: What is the difference between natural and Dutch-processed cocoa powder?

Natural cocoa powder is made from roasted cocoa beans that have been ground into a fine powder without any additional processing. Dutch-processed or alkalized cocoa powder has been treated with an alkali solution to neutralize its acidity, resulting in a milder flavor with a darker color. Drinking chocolate can be made by mixing cocoa powder with hot milk or water to create a rich and indulgent beverage.

Q: Which type of cocoa powder is best for hot chocolate drinks?

Cacao powder with high cocoa butter content is the best option for hot chocolate drinks as it has a rich chocolate flavor without added sugar or milk solids.

Q: Can I use sweetened cocoa powder in baking recipes that call for unsweetened?

No, using sweetened cocoa powder will alter the sweetness level of your recipe and may affect its texture as well. It’s best to use unsweetened cocoa powder as specified in your recipe.

Q: What are some benefits of using natural or organic cocoa powders?

Natural and organic cocoa powders contain more antioxidants, flavonoids, minerals, and vitamins than processed ones. They also have a richer taste with less bitterness.

Q: How do I choose the best quality West African Cocoa Powder?

Look for labels that indicate single-origin or bean-to-bar chocolates made from Ghanaian or Ivorian beans with high cocoa butter content. These beans are known for their fruity notes with hints of nuttiness and caramel undertones, making them perfect for creating the best cocoa powder. For a healthier option, consider choosing organic cocoa powder or fat cocoa powder.

We hope these FAQs help you in choosing the best cocoa powder for your drinking needs. Remember to read labels carefully and choose high-quality cocoa powders for the best taste and health benefits. Happy sipping!

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